CDK Global - Ilegal Retrenchments
'Friday the 13th' became a rude shock for hundreds of employees working at CDK Global. The company, with hundreds of millions in profits, is illegally retrenching employees in an extremely inhumane manner. Called for a 'discussion' on the pretext of a 'meeting', the management is forcing employees out of the company. With no notice or compensation whatsoever, the company is flouting all the rules and laws of the land. Kiran Chandra, President of the Forum of IT Professionals, said "CDK needs to understand that it is operating in India and has to abide by the law of the land. They can not think and act as if they are above the law. ForIT strongly condemns the actions of the CDK Global and demands that the employees be immediately taken back into their jobs."
Forum of IT Professionals extends full support to all the employees and the entire IT community will stand in solidarity with the employees. ForIT demands that the law of the land be implemented and all the employees be taken back into their jobs with immediate effect.