ForIT Declaration of the 1st State Level Convention 26-05-2018, Hyderabad

  • The world is passing through an era of the next phase of revolution in Information Technology where automation of IT, artificial intelligence, machine learning along with rapid transformations in hardware are setting strong imprints on all fields of socio, economic and cultural lives of people associated and aspiring to be a part of knowledge economy making in necessary for people associated and aspiring to be with such an industry to organise quickly and efficiently in the form of a Union,


  • And whereas through this new transformation, automation of IT itself is taking over many functions and tasks that were undertaken by IT Professionals manually. Such a transformation is moving towards a situation of jobloss-ness in the society,


  • And whereas the corporations that are also internationally renowned are resorting to indiscriminate retrenchments of employees despite registering huge margins of profits and availing benefits from the governments through various subsidies and tax exemptions,


  • And whereas, the very concept of right to live is in danger due to restrictive means of terminating employees and tagging them as non performers, denying them opportunity elsewhere, reducing their wages and not providing adequate employment,


  • And whereas social organizations to create awareness, work for the welfare, protect the rights of employees and work force, seeking transparency in the process, ensuring the implementation of the statutes that protect the right to live and unifying all those associated with knowledge economy, creating support structures for stability in life etc. is the need of the hour,


  • And whereas, for a nation like India with a large portion of the young generation associated with the knowledge economy and millions planning their career to be a part of the same, makes it all the more important that stability is ensured in the lives of the workforce and the Industry,


  • And whereas, the government of India and the state government are proposing to provide more incentives so as to garner stability in the lives of the workforce and industry, with a declared objective of transforming the country through growth, employment and prosperity,


  • And whereas the existing organizations and associations and associations are focused on their domain of employment and geographical regions, thus making it important to meet the herculean challenge of ensuring stability in the life of the workforce and the sections that want to be associated with the knowledge economy through the formation of this Unionization.


  • Hence forth this convention calls upon electing a body to fight for the cause of all those associated with the knowledge economy, which shall be entrusted the responsibility of taking up the registration process and ensure to do everything necessary to safeguard the interests of the workforce associated with knowledge economy.
  • This convention calls upon all those employed in knowledge economy sector that includes and not limited to IT, IT&ES, KPO, BPO, Hardware parks, services sector and in roles that could include and not limited to that of technical, programmer, developer, analyst, tester, architect, designer, engineer, consultant, executive, supervisory roles to come and join the Forum of IT Professionals to fight for their rights, ensure job security, safe work places and harmonious livelihood.

  This convention puts forward the following demands: 

  1. There are multiple laws enacted to protect the interests of the employees, the intent of the legislation is also to ensure the protection of the employees. We demand the government to issue an advisory to all the IT companies to implement the labour laws.


  1. We demand the labour department to ensure the implementation of labour laws in the IT, IT&ES industry.


  1. We demand the government to issue a white paper on the implementation of labour laws in the IT, IT&ES industry.


  1. The IT, IT&ES industries operating in India are bound to implement the Labour Laws, employees who comprise 90% of the workforce in the industry are key stake holders and the companies are duty bound to recognise them and ensure their participation in the decision making process that impact the workforce.


  1. We demand that the IT companies scrap the irrational Bell curve for appraisals.


  1. We demand the government to setup a welfare board for the IT, IT&ES industry.


  1. We demand the government to announce EMI holidays to all the affected IT employees.


  1. We demand the government to issue a directive to implement paternity leave for IT employees.


  1. We demand the creches have to be provided in all the industries in IT sector.


  1. We demand that employees are duly compensate for the extra hours of work that each employee is contributing in the company.


  1. We demand that the government to issue a directive to implement a board that will work out minimum wage increments for IT, IT&ES industry.