This Article was originally published by The Hindu :-
Description: Over the last three months, more than 20,000 emplyees have been illegally retrenched by IT companies.
Name: Seminar on Impact on IT Industry due to Automation & Increasing protectionism, visa regulations
Email: [email protected]
FORIT salutes Bhagat Singh & his comrades on 23rd March Shaheed Diwas. On 3 March 1931, twenty days before his execution by the British, he wrote, "the struggle in India would continue so long as a handful of exploiters go on exploiting the labour of the common people for their own ends.
Millions of Indians have been confused and disappointed by the limited attention to Kuchibhotla’s death by the U.S. press. India has 165,000 students enrolled at American colleges, second only to China.
After a long career as one of India’s leading newspaper reporters, P. Sainath is building an online archive of the diversity of rural India.